
Welcome To...


A very warm welcome!

Welcome to the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training! We are honored and grateful that you joined us, as well as excited about the journey that lies ahead of us. As our Gentle Trauma Release adventure begins, we would like you to know that:

You will become part of a family. While the Gentle Trauma Release© Training teaches you professional skills to elevate your work and career, know that we’re here to support you on a personal level as well.  

Who  you are as a person and as an individual matters to us.  We do our best to tailor our Training to the students’ individual needs and unique personalities. We are not all meant to be or work in the same way. And that’s ok.

You  are embarking on a journey that will transform you in almost magical, often unexpected ways…if you let it. Trust in your decision to start this journey at this exact time, with these exact fellow students. 

Izabela Viskupova, LLM, M.A. Psychology

Students welcoming students...

Welcome Messages From Our Students

Some of our students recorded beautiful messages to welcome you to the Gentle Trauma Release© community. As you can see, this is very much an “international” family. Enjoy! 



Virginia Ede is our student from Australia. 



Ramona Kossowan is from Canada.



Kelley Jesionowski is our student from the United States. 

Everything you need to start...

Instructions to begin your training...

Let’s  begin! Please, complete the following steps so you can dive into your Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training as soon as possible. 

1. Student area

To access all the learning materials included in your Gentle Trauma Release Method© Training, create your student account. Click on the button below and fill in your email address of preference and password. Once completed, you can enter the Student Area to access your training materials.


Save Your Log Ins

Save or write down your log-in details for future use.


Bookmark This Page

Bookmark this page so you can enter the Student Area any time you wish to: https://www.training.gentletraumarelease.com/student-area

2. Facebook group

We will invite you to the Private Facebook Group dedicated to our students.  This Private Facebook Group is the space for you to ask questions or to share your insights with the rest of the class.


Let us know...

Provide us with an email address where we can send you the invitation link to join our Private Student Facebook Group. You can do so at lucy@gentletraumarelease.com.

3. Office hours

Professor Izabela Viskupova will be holding Virtual Office Hours every Wednesday from 12pm -1pm EST.

The Virtual Office Hours are not designed to teach new material, but rather, it’s your chance to drop in when you need to ask a question, clarify, discuss or share something in person. Think of this as knocking on Professor Izabela’s office door on an “as needed” basis.

Having said that, the past classes have taught us that the Virtual Office Hours are also a place for our student community to get together on a regular basis and enjoy each other’s company.


Save this link

The Virtual Office Hours will be held on the same conference line every week. You can find it in your Student Area, but here it is as well: https://zoom.us/j/2800085094. We re-post this link every week in our Private Facebook Group on the day of the Virtual Office Hours, too. You can also click on the button below to join Professor Izabela’s line.


Download Zoom

Note: The conference line uses an application called Zoom. If you have never used Zoom before, your device will ask that you download Zoom before letting you on the line (no charges apply). This will happen automatically as you click on the link provided above.


For questions and help  reach out to our Student Adviser Lucy Beiler at lucy@gentletraumarelease.com . Help is also available in our Student Facebook Group or during the Virtual Office Hours with Professor Izabela.  

We are honored that you have joined us! Thank you for choosing the Gentle Trauma Release Method© Training! You have a wonderful learning journey ahead of you.

