

Ramona Kossowan 


My name is Ramona Kossowan and I’m here to help you with any questions you have about joining us in the Gentle Trauma Release© Training.


I have my own private practice as a fitness trainer and healthy lifestyle coach. The healing tool that I rely on heavily in my work with clients is the Gentle Trauma Release Method©. It allows me to uncover the root cause of my clients’ problems and help them in a powerful way. 


As one of the first graduates of the Gentle Trauma Release© Training, I know this training inside out. I use the Gentle Trauma Release Method© in my daily work with clients. I also practice Gentle Trauma Release© on myself to support my own well-being.


I cannot imagine my work without the Gentle Trauma Release Method© in my pocket. I wish you could learn it, too!

How Ramona Can Help

Answer your questions about the Gentle Trauma Release© Training.

Explore whether the Gentle Trauma Release© Training is the right fit for you.

Explain what would be the best entry point for you to dive into the Gentle Trauma Release© Training.

Share her own experience with the Gentle Trauma Release© Training as a student and practitioner. 

Support you in finding the best step forward tailored to where you’re at now.