

Coaching Essentials

Izabela's Collection of Coaching Essentials:

Personal collection of coaching materials from Prof. Izabela’s coaching practice

Noteworthy Bonus

Welcome to this special place reserved for my former students and clients. To further nurture and honour our relationship, I put together a unique bonus gift for those of you joining the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training. See if you can answer “yes” to the following statements:

Yes  I worked with Izabela Viskupova in the past either as her student or as her client and I would like to be taught and trained by her again. 

Yes  I intend to apply for the take the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training and become a Gentle Trauma Release© Practitioner.

Yes  I want to take my practice to an advanced level as I deeply care about helping my clients the best of my ability.

Izabela Viskupova, LLM, M.A.

Answering “yes” to these questions means that you’re eligible to receive all the bonuses listed on this page. You will get access to them once you have joined the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training.

For the First  time …

I’ve been creating and designing these materials for years. Now, for the first time, I’m making them available to my former students. The reason is simple: I’d like you to continue learning and improving your coaching abilities and expertise through the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training  while coaching clients using the skills you’ve acquired in your previous training. That way, building your practice doesn’t have to come to a halt. Your practice will continue growing as you enhance your skills with the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training . 

What is this collection?

My Collection of Coaching Essentials is a selection of materials I couldn’t do without in my coaching practice. These materials are vital to the success of my practice. They are ready-to-use templates that I use either directly in coaching sessions to guide me in the coaching work or that I give to clients as homework and additional resources. 

This Collection of Coaching Essentials consists of the following three categories:

Category #1



Category #2



Category #3



This collection covers you from all angles. Logistics, coaching work, goal setting, inspiration, progress tracking, habit logs, homework assignments… In this day and age, presenting our work in a professional manner is a must.

Heavy lifting done for you …

You can now focus on what actually matters. No need to waste time putting it all together. I did that for you. You can now hone your coaching skills and take them to a very advanced level while working with new clients.

Category #1


The Intake and Prework materials come in handy right at the beginning of the coaching relationship with your new clients. For example, your Coaching Services Agreement is ready to be sent to your client for signing as soon as they make the decision to work with you.

From the coaching perspective, your client can take The Empowered Life Assessment to give you the foundation for the very first coaching session. Or they can put together and sign their Empowerment Pact to boost their commitment and motivation. 

Here is what you will enjoy in Category #1 alone:


Coaching Services Agreement


Client File Template


Empowered Life Assessment


Follow Up Form (Success Tracker)


 The Empowerment Pact

Being ready is something that this Collection of Coaching Essentials will allow for you. You’ll have your ducks in a row. And when you feel ready and set up to go, your confidence naturally increases.



Keep your client notes organized. Plan with clarity and ease.



The Coaching Services Agreement contains all the crucial clauses for your coaching practice.

Supporting your clients with consistency, during and between sessions,  improves the coaching relationship and boosts coaching results. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Simple touches that show your client that you care and that you’re able to stay focused, can work wonders.



The resource called The Empowerment Pact elicits your client’s commitment to inner work and change.



The Success Tracker enhances your client’s clarity and focus. From session to session. And throughout the whole process.

Materials grouped in Category #1 represent the logistical and organizational infrastructure of My Collection of Coaching Essentials. You can use them no matter what problems your client brings to the coaching table.

Category #2


Coaching work materials are to be used when you’re ready to dive deep into coaching with your client. They are presented as eight workbooks, each covering the different emotional levels of empowerment. 

The is NOT theoretical information or lecture notes. These are specific exercises, processes, and tools that I’ve tested, tweaked and used in my practice over and over again. Each workbook contains an abundance of concise coaching tools.

You can use these tools directly in your coaching sessions as guidance for you – the coach. Or you can give them to your clients as prework or homework assignments.

You will have access to eight workbooks in Category #2:


Shame Workbook


Guilt Workbook


Apathy Workbook


Grief Workbook


Fear Workbook


Desire Workbook


Anger &Pride Workbook


Empowered Levels Workbook

If you ever dreamed of having many excellent, powerful interventions, exercises and homework assignments gathered in one place, then these templates might just be your dream come true. 



You don’t have to be overwhelmed with what processed and exercises to take your clients through.



Everything is presented in a highly professional, esthetically pleasing manner. 

Materials in this category allow you to unapologetically dive deep into what is the root of your clients’ challenges: disempowered emotional states that are in their way, obstructing their movement forward in life. You’ll keep the  client inspired and engaged.  

Category #3


The goal setting materials are a visual representation of my Complete Goal-Setting System. Simply put, setting and achieving goals is not a a trivial matter. It took me a while to get goal setting right for my coaching clients (and myself).

In the Complete Goal-Setting System, we start with the Supreme Clarity Blueprint that allows the client to hone in on what it is that they actually want. The process continues with the Soulful Goal Creator that makes it possible to break the goal down and create doable steps for success. Then, the Progress Tracker keeps the client on track and motivated.

A special add-on in this category is the Carry Me Forward Inspiration Pack will keep your client inspired and invigorated throughout the coaching process. 

Here is the complete selection of materials included in Category #3:


Supreme Clarity Blueprint


Soulful Goal Creator


Progress Tracker


Carry Me Forward Pack



  • Journal Pages
  • Motivational Pages
  • Inspirational Pages
  • Brainstorming Pages
  • Dream Recall Pages
  • Note to Self Pages
  • …and more



To help your clients reach their goals, several components need to be in place: eliciting their wants and desires, identifying the goal with precision, narrowing things down to tangible milestones, following through while maintaining motivation…you’ll get it all.



The Complete Goal Setting System covers all the ground needed when supporting clients in reaching their goals.


On Track

The wide selection of pages in the Progress Tracker allows you to customize the goal setting process to individual client needs.



The Carry Me Forward Inspiration Pack will keep the fire of your client’s inspiration  burning.

Materials in this category will help you guide the client through the not-so-trivial processes of setting, following through and achieving their goals. All this, in a flowing, feminine way. 

Full Transparency …

This is the first time I am offering this Collection of Coaching Essentials to my students. And in the spirit of full transparency, I’m not certain for how long it will be available. This might be the first and the last class that I’m offering these resources to. I’m saying this just so you can make the best, informed decision for yourself. 

The Complete System

This collection comes to you with my intention to support you on your journey of building a successful, soulful coaching practice. It will make your life easier. It will allow you to do what you’ve always wanted to do (coach and help people) with way less effort. You will: 

Access coaching materials  that are ready-to-use and that have stood the test of time. All materials are available for direct download.

 Boost your confidence and readiness as a coaching professional because your ducks are in a row whenever a new client appears and wants to work with you.

Present professionally because all the templates are stunning and designed with care, style and class. 

Focus on what matters which is honing your coaching expertise and skills while being able to work with clients and build your practice. 

Expand your knowledge in foundational coaching as you access templates full of interventions, exercises, homework assignments as part of a system. 

Save time and effort  instead of wasting your valuable resources on doing something that can be easily done for you.

This Collection of Coaching Essentials is that bridge between building your coaching practice while taking your expertise to an unprecedented level via the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training. It couldn’t be any easier.

Join Us

  I can hardly wait till we open the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training to new students again! Having said that, each Gentle Trauma Release© class has only so many student spots available. Therefore, if you resonate with and feel authentically drawn to the Gentle Trauma Release© Certification Training and want to join us, it is in your best interest to let the team know as soon as you can. 

We open two classes every academic year. New students are accepted into each new class on a first come, first served basis. 

To enroll, contact us at info@gentletraumarelease.com. Or use our Contact page (see the button bellow) to let the Gentle Trauma Release Institute team know that you’d like to be part of the next class that opens.